
Victopher's "I could do you later!" was pretty great too.

I enjoyed the episode moment-to-moment, but as a whole it felt like a great big implosion, just trying to get out everything they'd already set up for themselves before it was too late. It's too bad they got cornered by the unenviable choice to leave tons of things hanging or just create a huge mess like this.

Yeah, I'm not sold on Boyd being all-out villainous at all, especially as he's seemed to be a (relative) moral center for so much of the show. I'm expecting this to be one of those twists where they leave out a lot of context initially for exaggerated initial shock value and then work backwards to meld it into what

I'm pretty sure he throws the wedge off the building and Boyd/Ballard retrieve it at the end of Omega.

I think smm is right on the money. All the other scenes relating to Adele's conversations are vague enough to work either way (though it's because, like the scene central to the whole episode in the first place, they cut out important parts), so they seem all sinister until you discover that she's returned to the

The other thing I realized on rewatching this episode/thinking about it some more is that I'm pretty sure E1 says the Chinese started the whole apocalypse thing. That would let the Dollhouse win here against Rossum in the last couple episodes, without preventing that future itself, and maybe even leading into it with

For all they've milled with the darker edge of the show, I agree it'd be a cop-out, but I'd kinda be okay with a cop-out that kept the ending for being the most downer thing ever. At this point though, most of the flashbacks in E1 that would've happened between Season 1 and that episode don't make much sense to me,

They didn't tell me I was going to a nerd convention!
Another appearance or two like this one and Kilo is going to be the best doll, easily.

It's true they're rolling through a ton of things with major implications too fast, but they were kind of backed into a corner by being renewed after Epitaph One, which blew open way more questions than it answered. And by judging, unfortunately correctly, that they only had another season to try and work through