Light Emitting Diode

I thought this was about Patrick Stickles's latest cavort into Port wines.

To me it wasn't so much her character as it was the story arc. First the issues with Richard, then the miscarriage, then when they finally start getting things settled there's the Alzheimer's. While yeah, it's the soapier aspect of Grey's, it was one of those "Just because you have Loretta Devine doesn't mean you have

Plus she wanted to break contract to spend more time with her family, which I can't really blame her for. It wasn't like the Heigl nightmare.

We need to dispel the myth of "Authentic [ethnicity]". It's just awful. Tell us, arbiter of racial purity, what makes an "authentic Latino"?

It'll sound a lot better coming out of Paul Anka

The Token Black Woman that acts High and Mighty, but has a heart of gold.

Introducing her romantic foil, Ethin Ice. And their boss, Anthropomorphic Balloon.

She's different than her music. She can sing surprisingly well, it's just the production that Sony has stuck with her, not only physically raped her, wasted her potential by pitching her as something different. It's not particularly her music, she just worked on the project with others. One of which used his position

Can't. Stop. Doing. The Monkey.

You might be, I mean they spell and pronounce their names differently.

We'll prove Larry Bird's innocence, just you watch!

For me it's typically the other way around.

Now I want to beat up the Doctor Who fandom all over again.

Just do something foolish. Then when he gives a smug look to the camera you suckerpunch him.

My doctor says I have the wrists of an 80 year old

"Wolverine, Cyclops blasted off my clothes!"

On behalf of all Latinos, how dare you compare any one of us to John Mayer.

Will it at least be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine to stop his untimely death?

So just like the transporter accident in Star Trek?

They really should build their latrines deeper