Light Emitting Diode

Not too wild about what looked like CG, but otherwise lookin' good Mr. Dragon

You can't finish if nobody's willing to let you start.

Should have taken some pictures

I'd also like to express my fondness for killing that particular Rosalind

"Oops! I dropped the cosmic cube!"

I was getting some strong Chloe vibes with pre-Kilgrave Jessica, especially the scene at the [call center?] where she gets fired.

Man, college was wild for me too

Yeah, that's totally why I'm banned too…

You saw what they did to Lamar Odom

Il peut etre deux choses

Can't wait to see his collab with Tupac

Is there criticism of Dunham that's ever appropriate? Because if that's not the case then I'm going to have to inform dozens of women of color that they're either sexist or very stupid for criticizing Dunham's White Feminism while enjoying shows that have problematic aspects wrt representation and issues of

Sorry, but the standard response from those defending White Feminism tends to focus on why the person doing the criticizing doesn't go after other other shows in their criticism. For some perspective we're in a comment section about a show being produced by Dunham, criticizing Dunham's shows' castings' lack of

Finally we have somebody with the strength to defend white feminism! I swear, if another one of us minorities speaks up about poor representation in media it might give us the the idea that we're equal or something. Thank you for giving us perspective and putting us in our place!

Thank goodness as a double minority I'm exempt from such obligations.

Somebody really should beat us all up. Again, I mean.

A little kid inside of Fogle instead of…

I got a "Bunheads was canceled and everything you love is dead" notification for this?