Light Emitting Diode

I was tempted to drop off after All Eternals Deck, but Transcendental Youth got me back into the fold. At first I thought it was just the two standouts (Amy and Cry for Judas) but upon consecutive listens each track seemed just as good and vital as those two.

I'm always disappointed

Ted doesn't even know

Ted's Stache > Roger's
Of course they're both second place to Stan, but still…

A Cosgrove centered episode complete with a bare chest scene? They've been reading my diary, it seems.

The A.V. Club

Of course. I'm straight thin but I'm gay fat.

Yes, but dessert's Frogurt!

You've got a bunch of fancily dressed people and a minister, why not pull double duty at the same event?

Please, we're classy people. Calzones at the very minimum.

They're hardly minor

I, too, don't particularly care for The Big Bang Theory

Low hanging fruit, Internet.

It feels like I'm going to lose something important once this show is finished. But as it is, this retrospective has brought out some great stuff out of the staff here. Kudos.

As many as we have thyme for

What about Les Wynan?

Well, Chris Farley is dead.

What killed the mood?

[forced Simpsons quote]

Somebody needs to do a PipettesXOffspring mashup. If not to populate Great Job, Internet!'s daily quota of mediocrity.