Light Emitting Diode

You mean Cerberus?

Only in View-panelist ability

What is Chyna doing these days?

The ruling was more in what kind of company Aereo is, which moreso was that it was acting as a type of DVR service that cable companies provide. Cable companies have to pay a licensing fee to be able to do DVR services, otherwise they face a copyright lawsuit. Shouldn't Aereo be held to the same standard?

If they were smart they would have built in the licensing fees that they, theoretically (or as of now, legally) would have had to pay into their business model. If they'd won the case, bigger profits. If they'd lost the case, they'd be able to continue as a company.
While a novel, and cool, idea. Any business based

So would an alien invasion. But I'm no Krugman.

This is just a weird court. In a way it's kinda exciting. In another, more accurate, way it's terrifying.

Well I really didn't have any hopes for this case as it was pretty much copyright infringement. But it would have been cool if they'd let it slide.

Welcome to AV Club!

An empowered Zoboomafoo finally chafes at the yokes of his contract, wishing for a life of his own he confronts them.
Kratts: Your life is ours!

Let us pray

I like it when Sean does it because he always rubs my belly afterward.

Well I do enjoy Hardcore Nudity's scope of work, I think I'll pass if it collaborates with Handler.

They both look fabulous in swimwear

Prometheus had some interesting concepts and you could tell there was some brilliance in it. However I don't know what was carried over from his drafts and what was added on.

Legitimately speaking, some people have chlorine sensitivity and saltwater pools require less of it.
As well, you any ME worth their saltwater pool would know the difference. Just drown your victims in the ocean like the rest of us normal people do. Jeez.

I open articles at random and only start reading when I see a word relating to zombies and/or resurrection.

I still occasionally buy graph paper composition books and draw them as doodles. Or when I get bored just Posterize some Difference Clouds in photoshop.

Some of us took our pre-prom training courses seriously.

One day that will be Pope Dracula, just you see