
The one about X-Factor vs Apocalypse, that ends up with Cyclops and Jean Grey giving away their ill son - that's my favorite X-Men/Claremont story out there. And it's sort of a follow up to Dark Phoenix Saga (the final battle happens on the moon), so maybe… a sequel?

If it's just more shooting and fighting than it's all right. If it's "expanding mythology" bullshit, then, god, please, no, not another "Matrix" trilogy.

Sure. "Breathe", while great, is actually just another take at "Alive".

The worst offender: Queens Of The Stone Age "Era Vulgaris". Great songs that sound like 64kbps mp3 on a no-name Chinese player.

The same goes for Pearl Jam. I'm 100% sure their self-titled album from 2006 would be up there among their best if the sound would be as dynamic and raw as on "Vitalogy".
O'Brien produced both of these albums.
Furthermore, O'Brien later took "Ten" from the shelf, and remixed it for an reissue. Did he made it sound like

Apparently, memory is the only thing that isn't covered by Wolverine's healing factor, and a shot in the forehead wipes the memories out in the real world too. So, that at least has some scientific merit (or so says one guy on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/wat…. I'd go with something simpler, like, maybe, a memory

Actually, the holes in continuity what was wrong with "Skyfall" for me. In "Casino Royale" Bond had been a freshman, and then suddenly he's a veteran who's longing for explosive gadgets, drives a vintage Aston with mounted machine guns, and can't keep up with all that digital stuff.

The YouTube description says it's gonna be released "in theaters and VOD April, 24". I found that kinda interesting, if not mention-in-the-news-worthy. From one point of view it's "straight-to-DVD" category, but actually VOD is the perfect platform for such little movies like this, IMHO. If only they could somehow

The one in the middle is "Hoop of Love" by Dominant Legs. It's my fav summer-on-the-beach album since about 4 years. Maybe that little exposure will give them a kick to record a follow up at last.

What bothers me about Capullo is that once he was given the job at "Spawn" he totally changed his own style (which was kinda horrible, IMHO) to emulate McFarlane. He was probably forced to do so, so no hard feelings - but it makes hard to look at his current work as a completely independent work of art. His "Batman"

I remember that line being in the movie. Maybe it was some alternative cut (for TV?).

Nope, it's not Vangelis, it's Trevor Jones. And the main theme was based (not sure if it was credited as such) on something else (Wikipedia is whispering to me: "Dougie MacLean's song").

That lo-fi video for this song - I totally love it. Some parts are simply stunning, like the one at 1:00, when the dancer is deformed in a reflection. Just surreal and beautiful.

Also in the "Oh, well" category: I'd argue that while "Whiplash" is a great movie its greatness certainly doesn't come from the screenplay.

I could believe that. A friend of mine once had a backstage job at some rock festival in Europe. According to him the RATM's "ethos" was sorta similar to the "ethos" of banana republics' leaders. They do care a lot about luxuries and money.

In late 90s it was hard to get that compilation anywhere. Sold out in online shops, not available in local stores, Napster just got shut and there was no Audiogalaxy yet. Once I finally found it, and downloaded (few days later) - oh, boy, it was a treat.
Now I can barely stand Vedder's mannerism on that recording,

Cool, I except an improvement over the Berlin Festival (same promoter, same place, also in September). It wasn't bad, but the line-up had lots of DJs and electronic music - and at summer festivals I very much prefer watching a whatever-their-name-mediocre-indie-band over any spectacularly talented laptop operator. On

So, next year is going to be quite modest in terms of number of superhero movies, but later…
Though, I bet after the crunch in 2017 lots of these will get cancelled.
- Fantastic Four
- The Avengers 2
- Ant-Man

Maybe that's the thing: "The Avengers" succeeded at avoiding all the traps and risks, and for that it gained the highest praise, billion of dollars, and became the pinnacle of the Hollywood blockbuster.
Yet by playing it totally safe it became totally hollow. Solidly, competently made but predictable, dull and