The Last Pineapple

@santos — What crawed up your ass and died?

*Shoots @avclub-490040c4cb1d31a71ef3071dfc25cee0:disqus*

@Dikachu:disqus  — Unrealistic? HitStarter surely exists somewhere in the Deep Web. Until recently, you could buy guns, sans serials, off Silk Road — and SR is fairly mainstream.

@The Bone — Gay couples can adopt, use a sperm bank, or have the child through a surrogate parent. Unmarried science fiction writers live in conditions too squalid to pass inspection by an adoption agency, are too poor to buy sperm from a reputable source, and don't have anyone in their life they know well enough to

I nominate that song about the garbage barge they used to play on NPR all the time.

What really bothers me is that the promotional photograph for She and Him up there is so awkward it hurts. To make matters worse — for me, at least — it's plastered all over Boston's public transit, and there is this rising dread in my plexus whenever I see it. I dislike that Zooey Deschanel is actively trying to both

Well, for starters, the Russian Federation is a democracy on paper, which allows for the women of Pussy Riot to voice their dissent as they see fit. I think they knew exactly what would come of their protestations; their awareness of the political climate defines them, I would argue, as political prisoners rather than

….The door!….the door!….the door, Sanch, open the door! Open the door, Sanch!

As much as I love the Report, my quintessential Colbert Moment will always be: "You can't un-fry things, Gerri!"

The Wu have been leaning on the festival angle pretty heavy for a while, too. I guess SummerStage just don't cut the mustard.

I love all of Springfield's obscure, ridiculous statutes.

Well I'll be damned, it isn't actually called "The Google" after all! And to think that we took his word for it going on seven years now! Why would he get up there on TV and just lie like that?