
Pretty sure she said Robert could never find out about Jon, not Rhaegar.

I think Danny and Nick would hit it off though.

I absolutely agree and I won't be reading the reviews anymore after this week because clearly the reviewer and I have different ideas of what makes a compelling character. I'm having a hard time figuring out what his are if not a character like Mickey who is pretty much the first of his kind as far as gay characters

Jessa isn't such a huge mystery to me. Look at the way she was apparently raised. Look at the way men treat her when she tries to be vulnerable and seek non sexual relationships and how that repeatedly blows up in her face. Look where they tell her all her value lies and how she reacts in response to that. She's

I don't know if it's intentional or not but fingers crossed the writers might notice the chemistry between the two characters and just go there.

Really Iron Man 3 in which his character pretty blatantly wanted to bone the shit out of Tony Stark?

Eeep! Yeah I knew it was withdrawal I just typed poisoning without meaning to. I'll fix that now.

I'm sorry but this episode deserves a solid B just for that reveal that it was alcohol withdrawal and not the flu. That was beautiful! I'd give it a B+ for the matching outfits at the end which were pretty damn adorable.

I think the point is that at that time the note thing was the more important issue for him and had the majority of his focus which is how he could miss her.

I think it was just a joke saying that Ted was so pissed about the note it was the one year he didn't show up as the Chad and of course that's the year the slutty pumpkin was right behind him.

Yeah I think you might be. They probably just called her in. If she had fun working with them in the past why would she say no? She probably made more money just standing there for that two second shot then most people see in a month so why the hell not?

So will the flashforward to Barney having returned from his honeymoon change the minds of those who kept speculating the wedding would not take place?

They'd be an adorable couple.

…I'm kind of shipping him and Morgan and that probably has a lot to do with Peter and Max still seeming like very similar characters to me and Morgan seeming like a guy Max would happily date. There's also the fact I'm pretty much convinced Morgan is probably bi…

Hmmm…yeah that makes more sense.

So the only sequence where Dee didn't die besides her own was Dennis' which tells me as much as he hates her he doesn't want her to die. That's touching…for this show. She'd still kill him though but I totally get that.

Whatever the reviewer's opinion on the Mindy/Casey relationship they were together for a long time and they almost got married. It completely makes sense that she would be this upset over the break up that happened maybe a day ago in the show's timeline. It was also a real treat seeing Glenn Howerton playing a dickish

Well that line about eating half of someone's sandwich and not liking it was pure Max except Max would have finished the sandwich and then announced he didn't like it. There was also that line about how he'd think it was awesome to have a hot guy grabbing his penis so…I think we can pretend.

Maybe it wouldn't be if Mac were a real person but being fictional his entire life becomes our business to analyze as we see fit at least once a week.

@avclub-9b3d616efffb52751fd968db82ece52a:disqus We are very different people.