
It's a huge problem that she didn't really care either way all along. So, why should we? It would'a been nice if she lost, and took a career hit because of it, and maybe this spurred her to run again and actually give a shit this time.

It would have been a lot more interesting for her character and the direction of the show if she actually lost the election and had to deal with the stigma of that.

The Halo scenes demonstrated what the Good Wife does best— referencing internet stuff in a way that shows the writers did the barest minimum of research but didn't really grasp the basic concept of how it actually works, much less any culture around it.

Harlan County is about 500 miles from Alexandria. I know it's a stretch, but I'd like to see Korl in a quarrel with zombie Quarles.

They seem to have gotten better, but in the first two or three seasons they were getting real sloppy with the city scenes as well. Like you could see palm trees in the distance in some shots, and I swear I saw an "Olympic Boulevard" sign in one scene that was clearly shot in downtown LA.

I truly do not understand the thinking process of those who would call something "Pennsyltucky" when "Tuckyvania" is a thousand times more awesome.

I feel like Mean Girls is the true movie that bought Lohan goodwill. If anything we've grown callous and skeptical of beloved children actors continuing their career when they've grown up, and they always need a Mean Girls-esque success to prove themselves.

No, it's "Put one foot in front of the other, put the other one down, down down."

"Adhorrible" is a pretty good word to describe her..

Isn't Girl set in Williamsburg? I mean that's a pretty whitewashed part of New York. Well, not entirely true, there's Dominican holdouts and plenty of hipster Asians, but it's not really as mixed as the much less annoying parts of the city.

I think this might be the perfect time to cast Aubrey Plaza in a "The New Girl"-esque show about a hip but naive young female livin' in the heart of the big city. The show in question should be named, of course, "Downtown Abby."

Everything except sports and porn. When those two crossover, it's called Sporn.

Where does a-ha sit exactly in the pantheon of Norwegian legends? My guess is below Odin, Frigga and Thor but somewhere above Balder. Balder's kind of boring.

Yeah, this would be much more at home on whatever network that was that aired "The Wire."

What I don't understand is how the hell dismembering and dumping a corpse isn't at least a misdemeanor? Even if it's self defense?

The real questionable angle here is "Be sure not to pay attention to what's happening in real life until you've caught up with the "True Crime" TV show version of it"

I'm trying to nail down a certain phenomenon here, when you have a barely-remembered and pretty low-regarded (even for 80s teen flicks) movie like "Adventures in Babysitting" that somehow has a title catchy or versatile enough that it's still being referenced decades later.

I wonder if a lot of the writers saw Skinner and Edna as the people they would have been, had they not scored dream jobs writing for TV

You know what three places aren't much alike at all? British Columbia, the District of Columbia and the country Colombia.

I totally neglected this show and have been binging on it this afternoon.