Spice Rack

Way to go guys…
Even though this confirmed my worst fears about the movie, it kind of made me want to see it more. If only for the interesting Gondry scenes.

It's days like this that I really want your job, Leonard…
Here are my thoughts on what the good doctor might have said.

You were too nice this episode Leonard.
B- is a bit generous.

Shodan is right; Selfrighteousrant doubly so; and no we're not done yelling at you.
Hang on a second. Games are stealing Bioshock's "moral choice device"? The only thing developers learned from Bioshock is that you don't have to make a real morality system when you can just hype a non-existent one. You get Eve out of

This seems oddly familiar
They needed interns at the beginning of the summer. You know, when I wasn't busy with a full time schedule of class.

Never played, but I've heard great things about Kuon.