Yeah, say what you will about Healy but no way he would have allowed that brawl to happen the way Bayley and Coates did. And while he is generally pretty shitty at his job, he did do a pretty good job with Lolly.
Yeah, say what you will about Healy but no way he would have allowed that brawl to happen the way Bayley and Coates did. And while he is generally pretty shitty at his job, he did do a pretty good job with Lolly.
Yeah Lolly was literally saving Alex's life and ALSO DIDN'T EVEN REALLY KILL THE GUY. Implying that Lolly somehow "deserved" to go to Psych while Alex, Red and Freida didn't seriously pissed me off.
Did the same thing and I STILL have nightmares about that scene.
"Where is Claudette?" is literally the first thing that popped into my head when I saw Nicky. Kudos to the commentator who called Nicky and Stella boning in Max way back in episode 1.
Also didn't she only enter prison in Season 2? (Which according to this show's timeline is only a few months ago in 2013/2014). Hashtags were totally a thing back then.
I found the conflicts within the Latina community regarding Dominicans and Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, etc to be particularly fascinating.
Whatever happened to her friendship with Yoga Jones? That scene back in Season 2 where Yoga Jones told Watson about how she shot a little kid while stoned was one of the most heartbreaking and effective scenes in the show's history. I really enjoyed the bond they had :/
Hiding it under the floor boards would have been a terrible idea. Decomposing bodies have a very distinctively horrible smell and eventually someone would have complained and the body would be discovered.
What are you talking about? That kid's acting was one of the best things about the movie. He reminded me of the kid from "Room" (acting chops wise, not looks wise).
I just love that if this was a female character who had 70 boyfriends, half the comments in this article would be calling her a slut…
Nah except that was a super tame, PG rated Christian comedy (one that would be safe to watch with your elderly parents or young kids)
Oh look everyone! The MRAs are here
It was like the only point of that storyline was for me to get grossed out over anklets.
IT WAS SO OBVIOUS that Jeremy was going to kill Coleman and Yael. Like literally the minute, Coleman crassly bought up Rachel's rape. I remember reading in an interview at the beginning of the season that this season's finale would leave us with our mouths hanging open. Whoever wrote that has never watched a Shonda…
That family applausing part made me laugh out loud. I agree Darius and Ruby are super cute but you have to be a serious sociopath to be able to applaud some guy choosing another girl over your close relative at a WEDDING AISLE while said relative is standing there crying. Is everyone on the unReal universe a horrible…
Was it custody? I thought it was to prevent the asshole abusive ex husband from getting a huge payout from the network executives to get him to shut up? Which I suppose might have helped with him getting custody of the daughter…
I just watched it with the family because we had some fandango codes expiring soon and let me tell you, it was awful. First time in my movie going experience that I actually volunteered to get a refill on the popcorn because I needed a break from the insanity.
Hmmm Marshal's mother would freak out and be convinced they NYC is too dangerous to live in and convince him to move back to Minnesota, which would drive Lilly nuts?
I don't know, the NYC location was pretty central to Friends and they got away with just ignoring it (aside from removing a B plot about airport security that obviously would have been tasteless at the time)
I am not sure if you are trolling or not but: