
No, but a good friend of mine watched the show with her boyfriend all throughout college. I recently heard them bitch about the finale (apparently the main character inexplicably becomes a lumberjack?) so based off my entirely un-scientific analysis, I would rank Dexter's finale in the same levels of illogical plots

Oh Good Lord, that's like Scandal level of stupidity right there

Trust me, no finale in the history of television will be as shitty and show-ruining as HYMYM. You got the bar set pretty low.

It worked pretty fine on the Roku box on my ancient TV but from what I can tell on the comments, this was the exception to the rule.

Sorry if this comes off a bit stalker-y, but I have noticed you in the comments section in nearly all the shows I love so I feel qualified telling you this: You will love Another Period.

Exactly, at least Cary has some loyalty while David Lee is a total snake who would jump for any opportunity to make more money.

I was actually terrified that TGW would go full soap opera in it's final episodes and make Peter the father of the kid Cary was prosecuting but your explanation makes a lot more sense.

Yeah I basically only care about Susan and Mellie anymore. Quinn lost my sympathy and interest the minute she just decided to forget that Huck murdered a bus full of innocent jurors.

Season 5 is one of the best seasons of television. Period.

I know that. I was saying that Cyrus was obsessed with Fitz but is now willing to sleep with Fitz's child's killer. Not sure what your comment meant-where did Jake (Cyrus's husband's killer) factor into this?

No, Jake killed James

It's absolutely ridiculous that Owen's previous air travel related trauma wasn't bought up once when he spent an entire freaking season comforting Christina over HER plane related trauma. Especially when she was super terrified of flying.

Unrelated but every time Rowan calls Jake his "son" I get completely skeeved out by the fact that Jake and Olivia are screwing

Me too! I think Shonda realizes we need at least one likable non murderous person to root for on this show. It has been Susan for now but I have a bad feeling the love triangle nonsense is going to implode on her and ruin her character somehow so the governor dude is the replacement "good person"

Well let's not give Huck too much credit now. He did murder an entire bus full of innocent jurors after all. Literally the only truly innocent, good person on this show is Susan (and Abby maybe?). Knowing Shonda, I am sure she will ruin Susan by having her try to kill Liz in a fit of jealous rage by the season finale.

No, the gunman was supposed to shoot the governor (non fatally) and then he would charge at him but the gunman couldn't do it.

At this point, I am starting to wonder Joe Morton is holding Shonda hostage with a secret sex tape or something. It's the only explanation. Literally nobody likes Eli/Rowan

lol poor Ella. That girl probably believes Michael is her real father now.

I was so horrified I went to wikipedia to check it was the same guy and just yelled at the TV screen for 5 minutes. James must be rolling in his grave right now. Doesn't Cyrus have any standards? Dude was willing to sacrifice his entire life for Fitz 2 episodes ago but now he is sleeping with his son's killer? Ugh

But it still got renewed. *sobs*