Pig Iron Maiden

Is murda!

I have a fake white girl voice? And even though I'm Midwestern, it sounds like a valley girl? Only with Wisconsin-sounding vowels? But all the white girls (women) that are over me sound like that so I end up absorbing it the more I talk to them?

Now and forever, "Seven". Don't know how or why, but this song has owned my heart since junior high.

I've heard good things about the Kingdom Keepers series. I follow some Disney blogs *ahem* and I don't think I've come across a real complaint. Do they read super young?

Just remember- being able to post on here means you're automatically smarter than most people on the roads! (true story- that's the reason I finally got my license, at 27.)

I'm not a little jealous, I'm super jealous! I love Cake Wrecks and Epbot to an unholy degree.

We had a traffic reporter get fired from our last place news station. On his last day, he gave a little farewell speech that ended, well, you know. Then he mic dropped and left the air, cameras still rolling and all.
Tom Davis, you the boss!

I have the same crappy pic that I signed up for Facebook with, a random New Year's photo with my sister and I, zoomed way in while we blew streamers. I feel like if you know me, you know what I look like, so the picture is not important.
Now my avatar here is permanent! Droppo 4 lyfe.

1979. I caught the tail end of the seventies! Only nine days left in the year when I was born.

I was 13 when I had my first drink, at a wedding. A 'bartender' apparently thought it'd be funny to give me a gin and juice. (In retrospect, I looked like a 17 year old, and maybe he thought I secretly wanted to drink, but I was a young 13, still playing with Barbies.) I thought it was awful and gave it to one of my

My sister was born in '82! Obviously, a sign of the apocalypse.

Hey, I was the non-shuffler last week. All of us can love on our music!

I'm annoyed… at not much, actually. People have been going crazy at work, with customers cussing us out right and left. Perversely, the more people get pissy, the happier I feel. I'm like that Care Bears villain that steals the good feelings, apparently.
Oh! I am pissed that my car door keeps requiring more and more

I've met the dude that invented it. It's a long story.

It's hard to argle bargle zouss with all these marbles in my mouth

And I always go to thinking of Michael's dad.
"Who did it? Who left the towels in the swimming pool? Michael, Marlon! You gonna get a beating!"

Hummpph. Well, if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand!
*stomps off in a huff*

…so just because other people have committed domestic violence, Chris Brown gets a pass? Nope, sorry. If you hit someone, you're a dick. Period. I don't care who you are.
/pesky Negro drops the mic

I'm on a hardcore eggplant kick- this sounds like heaven!
We have a restaurant appropriately named Sichuan in town. They have a standard (loser) menu, an authentic menu, and a totally-written-in-Chinese menu. We went last year and ordered dishes as a big, 20 person deep, table, off the Chinese menu. That meal is so in

I know, but it was the blue of a sunny day with clouds. Teenage me owned shoe boxes of polish. I can't tell you where any of the polish I've bought in the past year is at this moment. The girly thing gets away from me sometimes.