I liked Powerpuff Girls Z. If you had to go there, which apparently they did, it wasn't the worst thing ever. I did find that I enjoyed a lot more subbed than dubbed. Something about the American voices rubbed me the wrong way.
I liked Powerpuff Girls Z. If you had to go there, which apparently they did, it wasn't the worst thing ever. I did find that I enjoyed a lot more subbed than dubbed. Something about the American voices rubbed me the wrong way.
I read the original YJ comic, and all the things you mentioned were there in spades. Why they couldn't just adapt those stories to plots on the show baffles me.
They must've rerun this forever, as I watched it as a youngster, and I wasn't even born until 1979. I didn't know that the Michael Jackson I watched doing fantastic videos and this cartoon were even related.
Between The Jacksons and The Temptations, every day after school. I mean every day.
"Was it Ruffin?""Nah, Ruffin would've killed me."
We watched it enough times that we can recite whole scenes.
"Go to bed, Joseph. GO TO BED!"
I had a stupid attack of the flu, just right to kill my weekend (started Thursday, escalated on Friday)(and yes, I had a flu shot- but apparently this year the shot concentrated on type B and I had type A). I didn't really have enough energy or concentration to read, so I listened to both Weird Al's latest CD and…
Baby Got Back, not because it isn't awesome, but there are people who truly cannot follow a beat. Basically, any rap song fits this.
Truly, every girl's crazy for a sharp-dressed man.
I'm really bad about isolating myself. I get in weird patterns of not wanting to hang around people, and then telling myself that they think I'm weird and don't want to hang around me anyway, and then I withdraw further. I have a BFF that knows me well enough to not let me get there, but there are times in my past…
As a super late driver, let me tell you- I didn't get a license until I was 27. I remember riding with my mom as she was learning to drive, in her thirties! Learn from our weird examples, please.
Know what really made me start driving? My sister was pregnant, and she pretty much was my wheels, so I knew my time was…
I've learned that WW works for me when I'm super rigid, and when I attack my fruit. I buy those Green Giant frozen veggies and I always try to keep apples, cuties, grapefruit, bananas, etc on hand. The weeks that I eat a grapefruit in bed nightly? Crazy loss.
I didn't make any real resolutions this year. I kept last years- to end the year weighing less than what I started it with- and didn't want to get all crazy. I've been on a Facebook sabbatical since the first, which is great and terrible at the same time. The good is self-explanatory, but I just started working at a…
I actually managed to get off a city bus once and throw my back out. As I was heading to my job at a health club, I thought idly 'man, i need to get in shape' before deciding to just stop at the mall for more Panda Express instead.
I picked up a bottle of cheap sweet wine (not Boones, but barely) and one of those cheap corkscrews. My arithitic hands can't operate one of those anymore, so I wiki-howed… and I still have an unopened bottle of hooch in my fridge. Curse you, carpal tunnel!
This is why my exercise routine has collapsed. I'm good when going to the gym is part of the mix, along with hiking and outdoorsy stuff, but I feel so cooped up when i'm staring at the wall, on a path to nowhere.
Awesome! I like to hear that you're doing well- I'm (over)invested in your journey.
Hey, because I was starving after work (darn people not wanting to give me lunches!) I had a Lean Pocket quesadilla. I've certainly consumed worse.
I have freeze-dried cilantro. Like the hot sauce old lady, I put that shit on everything.
For a while there I was all about the McDonald's fruit and nut oatmeal, but like you, it was way too much. The Quaker packets are just about my speed, but I do enjoy a good bowl of steel-cut oats when I have the time to prepare them.
I'm not a vegetarian, but I'm veggie friendly, and try to have meatless days. Gardein strips are freaky to me. I've had them in Lean Cuisines (my go-to for lunch- portion controlled and hot) and I honestly couldn't tell you that they were different than chicken. I think they're groovy.