
lol, potential Jad self-promotion aside, Radio Lab is excellent. Also, Wiretap, despite the fact that I can never find it to listen to.

change = bad!
I feel like I need to go back to that Chicago Reader focus group lunch last year and tell them "lol! jk! jk! av club is not my favorite website."

mmm Soup
I don't watch this show as much as I mean to. But my brother and I still reference jokes they did three years ago. "Memoirs of a Geisha Kong" ftw.

The problem is regional micro-brews are rarely able to ship outside their region and maintain their quality. When I moved from Chicago to the southwest, I was terrified that nothing could replace Goose Island or Bell's Oberon - but now I'm a big fan of Left Hand Brewing and Nimbus.

Yay Minorities!
Ben was definitely up a notch this episode. I even remembered his name.

that reminds me …
why is the poor minority guy getting hurt in every episode? so far.

I'm super fucking happy that there are secret Issac Mendez paintings lying around. Don't know what the fuck I'd do if I didn't have art that kinda-sorta-maybe told me what the fuck was supposed to be going on.

same thing
I was getting a really strong "Dead Like Me" vibe from tonight's show. I just want Sam to stop his whining and get awesome at catching souls. Some more of that hot chick would be awesome. DMV lady implied that there are other 'reapers,' where are they? Are they bad ass? Could they teach Sam something about

the "twist"
I am worried that the guy "beauty" will disrupt the dynamic of the house. The girls go into this house thinking of it as a project, and after weeks of having no one else to flirt with they realize, 'hey, he's not so bad, let's make out.' BUT now they do have someone to flirt with. and I'm hooked! I can't

seasons and timing
can we talk more about the timing of seasons and fall TV and Sweeps and all that crap?

are you sure?
that this shirt isn't a homestar runner shirt? because that would be pretty awesome. seriously.