BP 2.0

That's "Bambi MEETS Godzilla".

Yeah, I vaguely remember enjoying that film when I was ten years old. I think Shue has a nude scene too.

Surprised not to see The Fury on this list. It did the whole exploding head thing a few years before Scanners and from multiple angles too.

I don't remember the VHS box but I do remember the newspaper ad. No respectable critic would give it a good review so it was just a quote from Bill Murray saying that he thought it was hilarious.

I think it was pretty uncommon by 1985. And Ellison used it a LOT in his screenplay.

Yes, and the remake had Terry Farrell as the young woman/mannequin.

With Paige Fletcher! The Hitchhiker! Now that's a strange anthology show from the 80s!

I read the first few pages of Ellison's script and he used the words "n*gg*r" and "sp*ck" repeatedly. Did he really believe CBS would air that?

Yep. I watched it at age 7 with my parents when it originally aired. Normally I was fine watching TZ but when that episode aired I ran out of the living room and hid in my bedroom.

Glad to see Gramma on this list. Quite possibly the most frightening ten minutes ever produced on network television.

"Stuart Ullman from The Shining"? Show a little respect! Barry Nelson was the original James Bond!

"Space floor"

"America Loves Ted Kennedy"

Oh god, "In the Closet" gave me nightmares for weeks when I was a kid.  Thank goodness I didn't watch the "Trick or Treat" episode until I was an adult.

"Gramma" from the 1980's Twilight Zone.  Maybe the scariest ten minutes of television in history.  (At least it seemed that way when I was seven years old.)

I've seen it many times and I still always find the ending shocking.

"Hello?  Old lady from 'Titanic'?  You suck!"

Did Rommel ever join the Party?  I thought everyone's favorite Nazi was Albert Speer.

Are you talking to me, lady?

What are they asking for this…MONSTROSITY!?!