
You come across as a nit-picking humorless turd who love The Wire.. a pretentious boring piece of crap,  oh best series ever! Tears my ass off with boredom.. I'll keep Breaking Bad.. you can go watch Treme.. another David Simon snooze fest..

How about all those shitty Mel Gibson movies, and yes, I'm including Braveheart… you know where Mel the tough guy gets beat up beyond recognition then takes out  the bad guys… what a surprise he turnyed out to be a racist misogynist in real life… those mashups on Youtube are beyond hysterical..

How about all those shitty Mel Gibson movies, and yes, I'm including Braveheart… you know where Mel the tough guy gets beat up beyond recognition then takes out  the bad guys… what a surprise he turnyed out to be a racist misogynist in real life… those mashups on Youtube are beyond hysterical..

Enuff with AB jeessuss talk about others here!! I could never bring myself to watch Destiny… remember sitting in the theatre watchng Pulp Fiction and thinking, that guy in the bathrobe can't fucking act… QT is a decent writer/director but why he thinks he can act is beyond me…

Enuff with AB jeessuss talk about others here!! I could never bring myself to watch Destiny… remember sitting in the theatre watchng Pulp Fiction and thinking, that guy in the bathrobe can't fucking act… QT is a decent writer/director but why he thinks he can act is beyond me…