
I'm guessing that standard coprophilia won't return enough hits. Including porn in the search parameters broadens the field a great deal.

Oooops, sorry. I mistook your deliberate poor spelling, capitalization, and punctuation for the real thing and assumed you were a real teenager. /em pines for the sarcasm tag.

I dunno. I think the fact that the Conchords were at least somewhat subtle about their innuendo while G&O wouldn't know subtlety if they sat on its face kinda limits the comparisons. Honestly, despite being madly in love with Kate Micucci, I just don't find G&O to be very enjoyable at all.

Ughh… a friend of mine posted a link on Facebook recently to "Kids react to Weird Al." I thought, "oh, maybe it's footage of one of his concerts and the kids meet him and freak out, that might be cool." Then I clicked the link and realized it was a "Reaction Video"… even worse, a "Kids React" video. I closed it

I gotta agree with @fawlty:disqus and @stepped_pyramids:disqus. When I was 30 I dated a girl who was 20, and even though she was fairly smart and fairly mature for her age, it was still pathetic how terrible her taste in a lot of things was. 1/2 your age + 7 is a good rule for a good reason. In fact, I'd say even

"good music like…acdc" hahahahahahahaahahaha! Sorry, that's not fair of me. Even as bad as AC/DC is, they are still far superior to Bieber or Cyrus, especially if you're talking about classic Bon Scott AC/DC.

I only care for the sake of being indignant at how awful their tastes are.

God, I hate teenagers.

GRRM is a Triad member?! It explains so much!

Actually, I think "Sucks" is more fitting, particularly as a mission statement, because it captures their tongue-in-cheek essence perfectly.

Errr, yeah. Revved up. Wasn't paying attention to what I was writing. I make no apologies for not knowing exactly what vehicle or part of a vehicle the "deuce" referred to, though, as I'm not a car guy.

That's not a weird lyric, though, just a misheard/misunderstood lyric. It's "wrapped up like a deuce" i.e. revved up really high like a [whatever type of motor a "deuce" refers to, presumably a 2-cylinder engine or something].

Makes sense to me. I don't even do drugs, but I occasionally get these weird panic attacks where certain sensations are amplified to insane and contradictory levels. Like I'll feel like I'm being crushed to death by a 10000 ton beanbag chair the size of a grain of sand. It's simultaneously incredibly pleasant and

Oooohh, love that song (and the whole album). Thanks for reminding me of that!

Sarah Palin is fucking hilarious. Double whammy: conservative AND a woman.

So it would be wrong to say that all Mexicans are Mexicans? All women are women? All people who are too dumb to safely use a fork or knife are too dumb to safely use a fork or knife?

I sure hope you meant that on average, men are funnier than women. That's a statement that can be worked with (assuming you're going down the road of asking what societal pressures and expectations cause that to be true). Because there are far more male comics than female comics. But a lot of female comics are just

Are we sure? From the review it sounds like Yondu at least gets a cameo, so maybe the others do as well?

I have a hard time seeing that as a bad thing.

See, to me, it always seemed that the first trilogy was essentially post-Apocalyptic sci-fi with dragons, and then the later books were more straight (albeit soft) sci-fi with dragons.