
Regarding renouncing titles upon joining the watch, there's actually something that happens later that *might* give him a way out of his vows, but it's a mega-ultra spoilerish.

Not only Barristan, but Ned. By all accounts, Ned has as much reason to hate Targaryens as anyone else, if not more. Yet even he seems to be at least moderate in his opinion of Rhaegar, if not outright favorable. It's not likely he'd have been so moderate/favorable had he believed Rhaegar raped his sister.

But Rhaegar wasn't at the Tower of Joy when Ned and his friends arrived. The fact that they were there and not with him at the Trident, where they may have possibly been able to save his life is one of the key pieces of evidence.

Yes, but the reasons to hide Robert's bastards only became reasons after Robert was dead. The 14 years between Jon's birth and Robert's death would have been 14 years of very pointless hiding.

You are correct. In fact, one of the pieces of support for the theory is the fact that Lyanna had told Ned that she didn't think Robert would truly love her, or at least not for long. Essentially, she knew that being a huge womanizer, Robert would tire of her and move on to someone else, and she wasn't interested in

I think you're reading more into O'Neal's snarkiness than what's actually there. I didn't read it as him disparaging the theory, but rather as O'Neal being O'Neal.

The biggest, most obvious problem with that theory is: why? Robert already has dozens of bastards spread all across the 7 Kingdoms, including some with highborn ladies. There's no reason Jon would be treated differently from any of his other bastards were that the case. Unless you're suggesting he's still Lyanna's

Also, the best part of Kelly cartoons is reading the responses of people on Facebook who don't think they're funny. I mean, really? How can you not find them hilarious unless you just truly don't get the joke? And even then, how dumb or secluded do you have to be not to get it?

I pre-ordered two copies, so I think I've done my part.

Also, I just think that bacon seems like it'd be important on any sandwich named after Weird Al.

This is just a perfect example of why WAY is so awesome. For such a talented individual he's remarkably humble. And you can tell it's not false modesty, because he acknowledges his own strengths without blowing them up.

Yes, because it's a sandwich named for him, not necessarily one he'd eat.

If only we could force them be literally full of shit just like Dawson's Creek now is. Maybe that should be a new amendment: at the end of each term, we force politicians to consume sewage in direct proportion to their lies.

I have to agree. And it pains me to say that, because I detest Seth MacFarlane and find him utterly unfunny (yes, even American Dad).

I think a party hosted by Disqus would randomly have a bouncer toss you out for no reason every few minutes.

I've always found her to be an extremely strange combination of sexy and off-putting. It might be partially because while I find her attractive due to how hilarious she is, part of me isn't sure if maybe she's actually as crazy as her persona suggests.

I think his Dorian Gray painting is actually my uncle.

She was my first favorite pornstar, back in the day! Man… I'm getting old.

It's not "free money" though, it's more like pre-orders for a product or service. (In most cases, at least; obviously there are some exceptions.) Also, the argument that because someone is famous they can't use Kickstarter is bullshit. Fame does not equal vast reserves of liquid assets. If one of my favorite

Exactly. This is one of the few areas where I actually agree with Amanda Palmer (the other areas being her music and love for Neil Gaiman). There's nothing wrong with asking, and there's nothing wrong with people who choose to give. It's their money, who gives a shit what they do with it as long as they're not