Tilden Katz

I've seen worse.

That SNL performance has made me terminally aware of my whiteness.

Called it? You copy / pasted that. 

Not every companion can be Romana I

They glossed over the Eugenics Wars of the 1990's because, well, a lot of us are still dealing with PTSD and survivor's guilt.

It's echoing around the Genesis cave.

Jim !

I liked how when San Francisco got 9/11'ed just a few hundred feet away people were driving and walking around like a starship didn't just obliterate part of the city.

Sybil's demise was some of the best drama I've seen on TV.

Besides, it's a nice way to wind down on a Sunday night.

I just want to give an oreo to a dracula. Is that so wrong?

Everlong, the promise of eternal youth and love. But we know it can't be.

@avclub-c1bac1d55ebcc415d61552acbfbb219d:disqus I'm convinced the last episode will be them getting the account to sell office space in the trade towers / having to move their office there to get the account.


Netflix, dude

Never watched it.

When it was just annoying lady and health inspectors there were some serious concerns about the show long term odds, IMO.

T is for the way you take my breath away
I if for the way I like it when you take my breath away
N is for no one else takes my breath away
A is for Asthma which is a disease that takes peoples breath a-way !