Tilden Katz

Tell me more about these time traveling movie theater attendants.

He's been biding his time, and it finally paid off.

Absolutely disgusting

Would it be worth it to live there through the crack epidemic years? Would it really?

I warned you about stairs bro.
I told you dog.

No, secretaries aren't usually asked to name a multi-million dollar corporation.

Spoken by agents from….uh, whatever agency handles desertion.

Daisy from Downton Abbey?

As someone who grew up in a GM town, they've done much, much worse than just building the Aztec.


I thought he might, like there was an implant that was messing with her optic nerves or something that he could sonic screwdriver off.

Where does one even look up candid photographs taken on Soviet submarines?

I bet those Addipose dolls are just flying off the shelf these days.


Behold the ravages of time.

No cloister bell this week, but we did get a caning and a railing kill. So it's a draw.

Tom Tom brought it down a full letter grade.


You know, I'm almost surprised that people don't name their kids their birthdays.