Tilden Katz

She won't make that mistake twice…three times. Whatever.

@avclub-8cc11c9206b8d8aca70365d84b7543a3:disqus In the Who universe that is, smeghead.

I don't know about that. Young Amelia in "Let's Kill Hitler" was as much of a person as a hologram can get.

Also, I love a cloister bell.

Doctor What?



From what I understand Tel Aviv is a hell of a party town.

@avclub-b9af48c23f22e423d48a8263dffad03f:disqus Because it's a movie about kidnapping.

As an elderly 25 year old I concur.

"Sugar, We're Going Down" is a damn good video.

Oh no, a bombing in a country in the middle of a civil war. Stop the presses.

You have not experienced Doctor Who until you have watched it in the original Russian.

Technically, anything after the invention of the telegraph is "modern"

The safeties on the warhead wouldn't have let it go off.

Don't get me started on the "Doctor Who Insider" that shows clips from the fucking end of the episode.

Uh, "The Angels Take Manhattan"

Go team our universe!

There was some documentary that posited that it was denim that brought down the Soviet empire.