Tilden Katz

She's an Olympian.

"The Rock" is a Criterion movie.

We did it and you know it.

So when The Doctor and Clara "FTW" Oswald were on the rooftop bar there was an excessively loud screeching tire noise in the background.

Yeah, but there's still that regeneration in New York thing.

I just want to watch The Doctor hauling ass down a freeway on a Harley blasting away with a sawn-off shotgun. Is that so wrong?

I wish someone would tell me what a "Beebo" is

She tends bar.

Only 50 more years to first contact!

Take your commie flag and go home.

We do have beaches on the Great Lakes. You do know that? Right?

Sounds hot.

The "Helena" video was my favorite thing in 2004.

I don't get that show either.

Well, buenos dias!

…and the Legend Continues.

The best part of the wonder years is that it's just some guy sitting in his basement talking to himself for hours, if not days, on end.

Also, West Springfield, which is three times the size of Texas.

"That was cool."

Ice cold peach schnapps is a sure fire sore throat remedy.