Henry Allen Venture

I lost my mind! Was he the psychiatrist last time?

I'm surprised the community grade is so low, I thought this was one of the strongest episodes so far. That being said, I agree that having this right after the pigasode was probably a mistake as they are so similar. I'd really love if at this halfway point in the season everything was starting to feel a little more

"You know who would love this place? That barely legal junkbox that Dave brought to Penny's birthday last year. You know, the one with the tramp stamp and the tongue ring and the bad hat and she's right behind me isn't she? "

I'm not a Manson fan and I thought it really worked for the scene.

Yes, god forbid anyone make a comment on something they don't have a properly cited study for.

I liked this episode for how fully it committed to a pretty boring political situation. Maybe boring is the wrong word, I think this is a great example of how anything can be interesting when the writing is committed, but it's defiantly not a glamorous issue. It reminded me of the episode about Greenland in the first

Pauly Shore ran computer simulations demonstrating, incontrovertibly, that the whole shot-into-the-sun concept is fundamentally flawed. Be it expressed via dome, sphere, cube or even the stately tetrahedron.

Season 7 was way better than the 7th season of anything has the right to be, CharDee MacDennis was amazing.

When this show wants you to understand something, it brains you with a frying pan. That monologue about Virginia (which was partially rewound, in case you missed the line "THIS WOMAN IS SPECIAL") was so heavy-handed it really pulled me out of the story.

I think introducing Vivian was a good choice, that last scene between them got me interested in a growing-up storyline for Ethan. I hope this means we're going to stop seeing Ethan trying to win over Virginia, even though I never thought I'd get tired of seeing Lizzy Caplan ice someone out.

I have an insane amount of trust in Gunn, and by extension Marvel for (apparently) letting him have free reign. I am too excited for GotG.

It feels like you're joking, but my upvote is sincere.

Chris Pratt is a weird choice, just because he's mostly a TV actor not because he's not amazing, but GotG is already such a weird experiment for Marvel that after deciding "yes, let's do the thing in space", "yes, let's give it to James Gunn", "yes, let's keep the racoon" why not cast the lead as Andy Dwyer?

I really liked this episode, but when Betty did the whole "he's in love with you" thing I rolled my eyes so hard. Anyone could see some attraction there, but love? It's the third damn episode, calm down.

I wonder what Sanne is doing now, I cannot picture her as the secretary to the PM now that Hesselboe is in office. Fingers crossed she starts working for the New Democrats.

I really love Nete and her unbridled optimism. Her coming into that nightmare Saw office and talking about Coldplay was the biggest laugh for me.