Rock V. Montag

Bill Murray was almost certainly literally phoning it in. There's something unnerving about a lackadaisical deadpan.

I'm also feeling obliged to join the love train. I was actually listening to Clem Snide when I loaded up the AV Club today, so this interview was a nice surprise.

Aw, leave mbs alone. His manic run-on sentences would really lose something if properly spelled.

In the aforementioned column (http://tinyurl.com/9vksf9), Willingham certainly seems to equate moral grey areas with anti-American sentiment. Any sort of political ambivalence or equanimity is antithetical to heroism in his mind. While the shift in attitudes away from a more black and white, propagandist outlook

I'll second the congratulations, Leonard. This is one small step toward paring my internet surfing down to one site.

I've been eagerly anticipating the moment the AV Club takes Calamity Jon on as a comics freelancer. That's some internet cross-pollination that would make my year.