

those moments like the opening shower scene in "Frat Party" are SOO good and then it slowly fizzles out from there. someone make a mashup of the first 60 seconds of every episode.  thank you

I thought Alex and Jane's Dad suffered from a gambling addiction- also remember that episode when Jane drove around her dad's truck? That was not an expensive truck. I'd go Brad with the family money on this one. Those track suits looked expensive.

. . .
I must have seen this film at the precise time I was most susceptible to fall in love with it.

totally agree! was just thinking that!

is Hayden P a lesbian in this?

also, I really like this review.

mmm curtis stone
his milkshake could bring me to the yard ANY day

ellen & jesse
this looks to be the snarkiest duo ever.. will they be able to get through a sentence without hipster cultural references and lack of eye contact?

does it mean something that there are zero comments so far about this actual episode?
I feel like Jersey Shore is a show best done in a season with 6 episodes. That way, they can jam all the jerseylicious footage into 6 decent episodes instead of dragging things out over a long season with lots of boring footage with

jersey shore bore
I completely agree, this episode was really boring. I don't watch the show for the drama, I watch the show for the bizarrely endearing cast. I didn't get enough bizarre comments from Snooki, or awkward situations from Mike (pardon the pun) although him bringing Vinny a sandwich in bed was pretty

that seems kind of boring
was it boring?

Tara is such a whiny bitch! I am SO sick of listening to her bitch about her life, watch her cry, and drink her problems into oblivion and fuck with Sam's head! (both heads)

How the fuck did "Bug a Boo" by Destiny's Child not make this list?!!!!!

LOL less
I wish this episode had used more humor in between all the sobby bits. It was obviously not meant to be funny and had a serious tone throughout, but I think what I liked the most about Glee this season was being drawn in emotionally with a sprinkling of LOL moments that were kind of missing from this one.

Oy vey.. I just found it funny. I happened to jump from the Glee review to this one and noticed it was by the same reviewer.

is the best thing I've heard all day. Wow, I was past due for a mid-afternoon laugh out loud.

I find it kind of hilarious that you are covering Burn Notice AND Glee.

this show
used to be sooooooooooo goood.

P.s. the pearls with the jumpsuit… awesome.