
Nah, that's okay. But thanks anyways, Fox.

Whether or not it'll hold up to critical judgement or the eventual nerd anger— it should be fucking WILD. Can't help but anticipate where this is going.

The last great anthology (in my opinion) was Trick r Treat. Though, I probably should watch it again because I haven't seen it since high school— even so, I think it had great, Halloween-harnessing charm to it.

Those gunshot sound effects in that Seven Five trailer were so dumb. Now I don't wanna watch the movie. *crosses arms*

"The horror anthology genre gets a shot in the arm."


I liked Drive, but didn't understand why people thought Brooks deserved an Oscar. Perhaps they were swept up in all the excitement. He was great, but not sploosh great. Maybe I need to re-watch it, s'been years.

Ooof. George, you know— you don't exactly have all the time in the world to be making "something a bit smaller".

There came a point when I was a teen where I stopped tagging and completing the missions of the game and just skated around… listening to the soundtrack. Fucking sigh, man.

It's official. We don't know what we want anymore.