Open the Door

Do the Bearscat!

Agreed on the characterizations of Titus Andronicus. As it's been said again and again (and again), it's been a great year for music and all that. But I haven't stopped listening to The Montor long enough to get into any other new stuff much.

This is a great topic and it's been great hearing people's choices. I didn't know TVC 15 was a single. I always thought that song was single-worthy. Guess it was true!

Good call on 'All the Young Punks' and 'Washington Bullets'.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Damn those animated pizzas looked mighty good. I blame that cartoon for my lifelong love of pizza. And cleavage…Ninja Turtle cleavage that is!

I'm a long-distance runner, so I try to stay away from fast food generally. But I'm a total sucker for Wendy's commercials. They've been running their Bacon Blue burger ads non-stop where I am and typically after I;ve come back from running.

Never had Walker Blue. But I could see him drinking it - isn't it the most expensive one in the line?

Very nicely said, Cahiers. Long live the Cone Zone!

I'd never dress up my dog in a silly costume. That's just plain wrong.

@Master - yup!

I mean, ebbv. Sorry, I have trouble seeing through these very thick corrective lenses.

abbv: You, sir, are but a mature, fully function adult pretending to be a dork. Stop lording it over the rest of us, will you?

I also have a fear of people who pathologically seek out small opportunities to build up their own middling self esteem.

Obligatory zombie reference
I think that the comments around fear of success/fear of failure as kind of being inverted relates to alot of types of fear.

That's an awesome idea.