Lord Andre

"That's the last time I buy a car from David Cronenberg."

They have a Bluebacca?

Frank & Sadie Doyle.

Personally I'd go drinking with Antoine Batiste from Treme, who's basically just like Bunk, only he can also play the trombone.

Next best thing to having an actual time machine.

We did a "Civil War" marathon around about this time last year. Around about eight of us gathered at my flat with a projector and just sat through the entire thing, stopping only once to get pizza and getting progressively drunker as the evening progressed.

Anybody wanting a brilliant "Grown Up Archie" story should really check out Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips' "Criminal: The Last of the Innocent".

"Mmm… You're one sexy man, GIMME SHELTIE. Would you like to take a moment and register me?"

Hi AV Club!

I can only imagine the meltdown you'd have experienced if you'd run into Mads Mikkelsen on the street.

Also, when is Acme Novelty Library #21 coming out?

So, when is issue 7 of Nowhere Men coming out?

Ditto Chris Cunningham. When is that guy going to direct a feature?

Or Delaware!

Michael's "Diversion" was absolutely hilarious.

I think that framing it around an action movie premise enhanced some of the comedy, mainly because one of the jokes is that this ridiculous Die Hard premise is taking place in a local radio station in Norwich. One of the central jokes is how Meaney's character, despite taking the station hostage, can only think of

"Me, I'd, I-I-I'd have an, an Apache attack helicopter."

I'm seein' double! Four Krustys!

"And YOU, you gay, Irish fireman! You…You're okay."

Thanks! It was an absolute battle getting those tickets. They weren't cheap either.