
Love the two-page RRs; so often they get cut short, and ol' Andy has some neat stuff to talk about.

"Come" with your wife, "cum" on your girlfriend.

Also, something something Delta.

Villian might be too strong
What's wrong with the Mekons?

I'm enjoying a KFC Silent Bowl right now.

And I was so enjoying not hearing about him.

Yeah, let's get back to the good old days of vampires. Whatever happened to them, anyway?

While we're at it, fuck professional sports and the stadia in which they occur, and fuck all the spectators who disrupt my commute on their way to said stadia.

Not angry, it just struck me. Stamp or not—and for all I know you ARE Josh, so I won't pretend to have the gospel here—it's music by a bunch of guys getting high and goofing off, half of which sprung from the Desert Sessions at which the whole POINT was to get high and goof off (Shepherd's Pie, anyone?). From what

"It's fitting that Homme'd want to loosen up with a goofy side project."

That ain't my job
Right now my job is eatin' these muthafuckin' donuts.

How Many of Me?
According to that neat site there are a shitload of people with my first name and a bunch of people with my last but there are only one of 'me.' Why, then, do I have to add some goddam number to my name to create a gmail account?

Thanks for dropping the Tad knowledge, T-Mac. Never heard that.

Disciples Of The Unseen
If you decide to check out some of Pierce' previous picks, search for this one by the album name and NOT by copying and pasting the name of the band from the article.

Back in Black
The rights to the AC/DC original must be expensive as fuck for the Daily Show to still use that lame retread. In the early days I could understand it but by now Comedy Central ought to be able to pony up, no?

That's "Hail." As in: "Hi there! [stab]"

"Cabo Wabo" from OU812 is practically a remake of 1984's "Drop Dead Legs," with Sammy in English and Dave in Japanese. Sort of.

Big mistake
It'll be worth a lot more after he kicks the bucket. Buy now, people!

The Damned Things
I don't care so much about FOB and only slightly less-less about ETID but I'm curious about the Anthrax connection and wonder why it hasn't yet been written up in these annals when I see plenty of "news" concerning members of lesser bands. Ah, well, off to Google.

Atticus Ross sounds like a font.