
Did I mention that his best friend's a talking pie?

Tell it to Dio.

I like the green ones. And fuck that blue nonsense.

I too thought Linklater was an interesting choice as I'm really only familiar with Dazed and Confused but having seen the movie without reading the book I found the hangout bits to be the most enjoyable (as Bowman mentioned) and that's very in keeping with the tone of D&C so…well done. I'd go so far as to say that I

Perhaps they'll add it to the Hulu perhaps?

"It's so great to watch him return with such relevance."

"Aww, two generations of lovably callow man-children, coming together!"

…is a TERRIBLE name for any character, in anything, ever. This whole "Is it his first name or his last?" nonsense has got to stop.

HELL YES Michael Beihn. That dude should be in approximately 300% more movies.


Why do you want to like him? He projects 'douche' at every turn. He was great in Old School, I guess—as the douche.

"Atlases" is an awkward word and if I knew dick about Latin I'd suggest a replacement ("atlae?") or at least understand why there isn't a viable one.


C'mon, V, Eddie Van Halen's kid is a BASS player, and just coming out of puberty with no embarrassing lupine qualities. Unless howling at the moon is how he covers Michael Anthony's backing harmonies…

Sixx was also the 'mastermind' behind the Crue and did the lion's share of the writing. I love it when the bass player is the creative one.
As to the effects of the aging process, though, Nikki was always the good-looking one—I seem to remember the word "beautiful" appearing multiple times in the Dirt—so maybe it's

Perhaps due to his many wardrobe changes, I would not recognize R Kelly if he asked me for directions. Maybe it's also because I only listen to guitar music. Whatever; at least it'll keep me from judging him if he ever DOES ask me for directions.
I hate that I know more about his life than people whose music I like.


All the laughing at herself—that was weird, because she wasn't saying funny things. Took me a couple of times to get that it was the "can you fucking believe this shit happens?!"-laugh.

I don't know what it is, but this is hilarious.

Given what Arsenio DOES seem to like, one ought to be able to derive what he doesn't. Hence: Nat'l is 'not metal.' And how dare they, really.