
It's the ticking…

"Everything you'd expect, plus Robert De Niro with a boner"

"The same overall mission, just different approaches"
Also see: Chapter 1 of Every Superhero Team-Up/Versus EVER ("in which they think they're working at cross purposes and classify each other as the Bad Guy")

Team Punky

His name was mentioned quite a bit a few years ago when the Dennis Quaid (and I wanna say Julianne Moore)-starring Far From Heaven was released, which was the only reason I'd heard of him and clicked on the article…but I didn't make it through the first paragraph. Maybe I'll try again after lunch, and maybe this

Really? Dr Strange?
I'm puzzled by the amount of interest in what I always assumed was a Marvel D-lister. I read plenty of the standard comix during high school/college back in the early nineties and never came across the guy; did I really just miss a hugely important corner of the Marvel Universe or is there a

…And I looked…
And at the bottom of the hill were NINE HUNDRED cop cars, waiting.

Have you ever met one that wasn't?

Those were trollops.

O'Neal writes 96% of AVC posts; of course he gets the hate.

Him and Beiber, they're good kids. Makes you think they have a chance of turning out okay, like Kurt Russell or Ronnie Howard.

"Fucking STD" is redundant. And funny.

A hundred fans at a hundred shows wouldn't break even, but a thousand fans at ten shows will. And I don't think they're reuniting for the money; we're not talking STP-level sales here, and High On Fire, at least, are still alive and well.

NinHist: Because most folk don't know Solfege (including spellcheck, apparently).

Lawn darts are infinitely more metal than pinball. Ok, like six times. But pinball never ruined a family picnic with a trip to the ER.

Johnny Boy, would that be Mike's daughter Courtney?

Yeah, that's got me on the fence.

"It's just kind of like—I'm an artist."

Love is best when it's foisted upon the unwilling
For some reason this reminds me of Father's Day.

Grateful Dead
They did six nights at the Garden and one of my crowds was going but I blew it off with the words "Eh, I'll see them next time. Unless Jerry drops dead!"