
Visually and conceptually, the Matrix was worthwhile, but the pacing and heft prevent it from being great. Having only seen the second once and never the third I can't say for sure but I suspect they weren't any worse than the first, but without the advantage of novelty were judged much more harshly.

Obligatory Metalocalypse Reference
Even after I found out he voiced the Senator, I still can't recognize the voice. Billy West might complain about regular moviestars taking all the VO work, but who's gonna argue that Hamill is a WAY better actor when he's in a booth?!

Fuck 311!

Mixed Up was a go-to sex record with my first girlfriend.

I love it when ST gets written up anywhere. So many people hate that movie but far more hate themselves for loving it. Can't wait!

I kept waiting for a trumpet and John McCrea. Not that that's a bad thing.

I am trying hard not to think of how much I hate the "Vaseline" song when I listen to Soft Bulletin, Yoshimi, Mystics, and Embryonic, but it's damn hard to get over. I can't blame Phipps for mentioning the "novelty song" in a review that addresses the band's career, especially because it's a review of a covers

If you're going to punch the door off, why turn the handle?

That was so bad I think you gave me cancer.

Sidebar to 3rd Prize:
I submit that both Chinese Democracy and Death Magnetic would have been better had the soloists traded records. Eh?

I'm with Taste the Beast on this. Plus, releasing unedited untouched recordings of not one but EVERY show on the tour is fucking badass, both for embracing the warts-and-all-itude as well as the tacit implication that they're going to lose a spectacular amount money on the deal and are therefore doing it for the

I'd never heard of them when I saw them in '03, and they were great. Liked Highly Refined Pirates a lot, but never got around to checking out anything since. Then I saw them in January and decided that all the interesting stuff about that first record has been washed away and lost (not least of which, the song

I would argue that along with "meaningful expression of the human condition," creating "music that [one] wants to hear when [one] turns on the radio" is the only valid reason to make music, and as such, I think Patton is right up at the top of the list of capital-A-Artists. He's a guy who doesn't like to repeat

The story I heard says Angel Dust is all Billy Gould, since Jim Martin didn't show up for most of the recording sessions and therefore wasn't there to hold back the weirdness. I've never been able to track down which Jim parts actually made it through, though, and while the guitars on AD aren't a departure from TRT,

Seabrook, you mean "enunciation?" And is that a remark on his Italian accent? Anybody qualified to attest to the quality of his pronunciation? I always thought it was badass that he'd sing for no apparent reason in German (Das Schutzenfest), Italian (Desastre Natural), or Portuguese (Caralho Voador), but I've never

Timely; I canceled my cable this weekend.
We don't watch sports and Hulu (quantity and quality) is enough for now.


As in "I'll be having you tonight with or without you so you may as well be there in person?"

Buff is a lot easier for Costume to hide than for Makeup to create.

Clint is absent from the list. Maybe he just decided to head over and fix it himself.