
More gay/hilarious than assless chaps and a pink mohawk?! I agree to disagree.

Failed firstie but accomplished lastie…until somebody sees this and I get the shaft.

Should've gone with his Road Warrior image instead.

Rocket From the Tombs
Rocket From the Crypt

I would have put "genuine" rather than "heavy metal" in quotes.

No, you're thinking Lazy.

Voiceover work does not help me differentiate between Alan Cumming and John Oliver.

Quit smoking, drinking, and yelling at everybody
No, thank you.

Smells like teen spirits
…On account of they're dead.

So you DIDN'T like it?
I'm confused by the tone of this review, but I guess "lipstick on a pig" will have to be the takeaway over "ready for the arthouse."

Brooke Shields!

If only there were some material featuring or about Jim Morrison. Now THAT would be informative!

"Hubris" is Kilborn's middle name, but it's pronounced "Dick." Shouldn't surprise you at all.

Alyssa Milano
Maybe this time they can get her to go topless for at least one scene.

Don't forget Chief Biker in Wild Hogs!

He did just fine in Big Trouble.

I don't care how unsexy it is, I'm always going to watch Lohan—or her body double—strip. I even sat through the Harry Potter SNL sketch a couple of weeks ago just to watch that chest.

I hate to bring Michael Mann into this but Heat and Manhunter are both very very blue.

O'Neal praise
LOVE the predictions of coming headlines. Keep 'em…er…coming.

Kudos Cloneasaurus, best caption ever.