
And FearNet. Howzabout them Burrowers!?

I thought she was a Barbie.

How could you flip past Independence Day?!

Can't believe it took this long for somebody to postulate on 3D childbirth at the movies. Count me the hell out. I didn't even want to see the business end at my OWN child's birth.

Angela Lansbury at her finest. Still can't believe other people saw that movie.

Thanks, Rod! That was bugging me all weekend.


Oh boy!
I'm out. You should, too.

I enjoy these movies without having seen them far more than I would if I HAD seen them because of Tracy Jordan in Honky Grandma Be Trippin.'

Sorry, read too fast and clicked on what I thought was a bio about Corrosion of Conformity.

Date Movie
You'll get some leg tonight, for sure!

Justin Long
Too bad the kid's performance is dismissed. I was rooting for him there for a minute.

You've gotta be good when your frontman is a fucking inconsistent and unpredictable trainwreck. Although an instrumental Doors jam would by definition eliminate the member I find the most unlistenable and may actually prove interesting…I guess I'm reluctantly curious.

Race Music
Deep Blue is like, deep blues.

Not true. I'd Shania that shit right in Twain, but Celine's more like Di-OFF, na-mean?

I call murder on that!

You're just saying that 'cause he's on that gay show.

If only there were some other broads on that show that could confirm/deny her allegations…although I'd probably be inclined to dismiss any dame's testimony unless it was backed up by a fella.

People kept getting arrested/kidnapped/shot by the Federales and/or rival gangs? Terry Gilliam's got nothing on that.

Now THERE'S a Random Roles. IMDB says he was in a whole shitload of movies I didn't recognize him in.