
The Crow gets my vote. Still.

Like a human being, only different.

Careful, Trebek. Answers like this can wreak havoc on the internets.

Tremors is great. New Cult Canon?

More Hell for me!

"that tired and lonely old man who, for an instant, recovers all his energy and dreams due to someone who seems to reincarnate the past, his old friends and ideals."

Don't worry, MJ. Ghostbusters III will prove you wrong.

More like "Ego!!!! [yawn]"

You've watched it! You can't UNwatch it!

I found Sweet Hereafter boring, even though Holm's da MAN.

I too second the fail

I thought she was Robin Wright (Penn). She basically left no impression on me. Good luck, I guess.

I probably would.

BB Mtn GAY?! But it's got Randy Quaid and pickups! And, if I remember correctly, bourbon!

Ted Leo last played New York's CMJ Music Festival in 2004, just before he released his fourth album with the Pharmacists, Shake The Sheets. It was his third for indie label Lookout! Records, and music-industry types were wondering where Leo would go for his next album. After debuting as a solo artist in 1999

Wasn't there a GTA with a Smash TV mission? I wanna say LCS…

The original clearly made use of enough CGI to make Mork look taller than Duvall.

The review sounds promising but I sure miss the actual tracks. I've been spoiled by being able to listen to the record while I read the review—which, I guess, totally invalidates the need for a review. Ahh, I remember when I used to buy music based upon what one or two critics thought…not no mo.'

You are so great
You are so great
G - R - A - T
I mean G - R - E - A - T

What ISN'T for adulterers?! Besides heaven's eternal reward, I mean.