
Yeah, guys and ugly chicks shouldn't make racist jokes, but Sarah? She's all right.

Still prefer the references that don't need to be called out. The most satisfying are the gags where you only realize it was an homage or whatever until years later when you happen to catch the source material. How many times have you personally said "Holy shit, the Simpsons did that! So THAT'S where it came

You mean your Chevy?

I would see this if they dug up Jack Elam to play Kurt Russell's character.

"Justin was pretty damn fine for a rat"
And you're pretty damn comprehensible for a crazy person. Or did you grow out of your Crazy?

I remember very little other than something about a Happy Medium, which I didn't get then and can't remember in context now. So I guess I'll have to see the movie and decide whether it's worth digging out my old books from my parents' garage or attic or wherever they keep my shit.

Magic levitation amulet? Really?
Also, Dom DeLouise.

I can't believe that an AVQ&A was kicked off by the Gin Blossoms. Or that Third Eye Blind figured prominently. Or that nobody mentioned (in all six pages) Metallica. So I will: "Phantom Lord" and "Frayed Ends of Sanity," please.

Stiller the Younger was tolerable in that thing with all the people, what's it, Flirting With Disaster.
But interestingly enough, this review doesn't say if he's any good or not. How to interpret that? Better not risk it. I'll just watch Independence Day again.

I'm pretty sure that I've FFWDed through this preview several times, but I would have noticed Sudeikis with a 'stache. The fact that they left him out of the preview does not bode well for his performance. Too bad; that guy deserves opportunities and I hope he gets more.

I saw the REPO! trailer before Tropic Thunder, so naturally I assumed REPO! was a joke.
I am horrified to find that I was mistaken.

I don't think 'quaint' is what they're going for. If they made LOTR three movies but they're making this one—a book of what, 250 pages?—into two, I'm preparing for full-on epic. And now that I've seen the Balrog, even Smaug will seem anticlimactic.

For that matter, ditto the bathroom reading at work; my job is the good kind of public place where the stalls are clean, and co-workers are just as needy as kids and spouses.

"…bad boys…"

Interesting point. Do twins count?

Ditto the Community thing. Perhaps the cast could be tapped for a cover of Billy Squier's "Everybody Wants You?" If only we knew somebody who could make that happen…Starbucks, I'm looking at you…

And we're back to the Muppets.

She could have a navel and I'd STILL prefer to do the cartoon version.

Porn vs Porno
Can we straighten this out? For all you who don't partake, I'll break it down:
PORNis short for 'pornography.'
PORNO is short for 'pornographic film.'
You go to a PORNO to watch PORN.
Thank you. That is all.

Haven't seen anything since Caper. Don't feel inclined to partly because of the potential for non-Jim Henson types to botch the voices (see the Mel Blanc comment thread of a couple weeks ago) but also because the movies saw a major decline in quality once the infighting from the Muppet Movie prompted Henson and Oz to