
Jamie Farr in Cannonball Run 7: The Sheikquel

I liked young ol' Forest Whitaker, too.

As Chappelle's Show paved the way for Mind of Mencia, at least Mencia's suckitude paved the way for Important Things. Which, I guess, paved the way for Tosh.0. Man, talk about hit or miss.

Jon Hamm
Proving once again that everybody looks better with the right amount of facial hair.

Home of the Bodybag
I'm no fan of rap but even I know that song sucks. I thought it was supposed to have, you know, flow, and rhymes, and such. Unless Ice is making an 'instrumental' attempt to showcase his DJ('s) skills, I'm pretty sure it's a good thing he quit the day job to be an actor.

Now you're on the trolley!

Kylesa is a chick? Neat!

"In the name of Satan, we are forced to rock." And the harmony guitars…if ever there was a song begging for Brendon Small to comment, this would be it.

Swedish Chef's favorite metal band.

This is possibly the first indication on this page whereby I actually have something to indicate which genre we're talking about. All you hipsters can give me shit for sub-categorizing my listens but I like to know if something is "rock" or "vaguely emo" or "singer-songwriter" before I listen to it and the review

Perhaps Exit Wounds co-star and lawman Steven Seagal can get him off with a stellar character reference.

CHUDS! Nice work, Aosuke.

The old man didn't bother me, as I pretty much ignored him in favor of purple-shirt-granddaughter's tits.

Yay again!

Deano was a pretty good fake drunk. Also Lee Marvin.

The Phil Collins tune marks a turning point and it gets more interesting from there out, although the (Portuguese?) metal number is a bit of a stretch. I'll move them out of the "disregard" pile and reserve judgment for the next album.

Yeah, that first track just oozes Beatles. The piano is the most blatant offender but the bass is very Paul, too.
There's something to be said for the songcraft and the vibe is engaging but at best it's background music. Probably show up in some damned quirky commercials any day now.

Pinkney, I see "Echoes" as paving the way for Isis, not for jam bands. Most everything Floyd did was about careful construction and ultimately economy rather than noodling; even if Dark Side was conceived of while under the influence, and may benefit from being listened to under the influence, it was not arranged in

Umm…Michael Fassbender?

Despite myself, this adjective only connotes one thing for me, and it isn't remotely connected to menace or violence. Sorry, Fassbender.