
regarding the grading issue: to me the problem is that the grades for episodes of breaking bad no longer make sense internally. meaning you can't compare an episode from the first 3 seasons to an episode of the 4th season, based on it's grade. this is a shame. and i lay the blame at donna's feet here. her stubbornness

ok, admittedly i've only read through 3 pages of the comments before commenting, but am i the only one who is certain of what will happen before the season is out?

i read keith richards biography recently, and i think he's got a bit of a point when he says this sort of thing is basically racism.

mmm see but you're just plain wrong. the verdict is not from yuppies. it's THE verdict. the critics like the beatles. the intellectuals like the beatles. classical musicians like the beatles. heavy metal musicians like the beatles. alternative musicians like the beatles. hell, your favorite artist probably likes them

"But on the other hand, they haven't done anything even remotely worthwhile since the 1970s."

i saw him for off the ground, and recently. oddly, he's about ten times better (and younger) now than he was for that previous tour. my guess is that losing his wife and exiting middle age lit a fire under him.

sorry, but the verdict is in on the beatles / mccartney. you're out of step with that verdict - which is fine - just know that you are out of step.

and to those of you with the tired tired jokes about how old the stones are… don't worry. none of your favorite artists have the talent or staying power to be still at it when they're 70, so you won't have to face that particular comeuppance.

mccartney and his band (of the last 10 yrs) are better than the stones, live.

"Why the hell would Mike want to be a druglord?"


hey douchebag:

ok i realize i'm having a conversation with myself here, but the more i think about this theory, the better is seems.

eh, if that wasn't clear:

re: "sacrificing a season of gus scenes" and esposito being elevated to regular cast status i would simply like to point out this:

well not my theory actually - this was meant to be posted on page 3, in response to where this theory was being discussed.

when i read the interview with cranston i thought something was a tad fishy - the way he let drop what could easily be called spoilers about a cat and mouse game between walt (and others).

"Teh gays are touchy."

@ Not Emperor Jim

i thought "extract" was quite good, quite funny.