
That moment hit far too close to home for me.

This was the blow-my-cover-at-work line of the episode. Brilliant line reading, too.

And this list certainly isn't helping decrease that figure.

Let's do it here!

Sadly, it's an all too common trope in actual sports commentary and analysis for it be a direct reference. Maybe the panther thing?

"Hey. Weak link. Wake up."

And because.Sidney is so happy to have her family back together, she will not smother the baby in its sleep.

Crap, I literally just wrote that last bit in another comment, didn't see yours yet. I'm really struggling to reconcile the portrayal of couples and women and parenting in FNL with Adam & Kristina essentially raising a Nice Guy.

It's making me so fucking sad, because I love this show so much, and have recommended it to so many, but now I feel like it's getting tainted by this story line. The fact that these writers, that Katims himself, presumably, thinks that Max wasn't harassing her but was misunderstood and Dylan has unusual boundaries…

Yeah, I prefer thicker bangs on her. The thin ones aren't enough of a statement for her typical style.

I just kept worrying about her unlocked door.

I went and looked her up before seeing your comment. But, yes, affirmative.

Only six weeks to go…

He's always been the outcast kid who had a crush on Veronica Mars for me, so I love to see how his profile has risen.

Worst cop since the one in Season 2? 3? I can't remember. Anyway. That psycho one.

With Sangria. Because Sangria is the best.

And the only setting I never use.

I have a dad whom I love very, very much but if I ever had to trade him in it would be for Jesse L. Martin. Him hugging little Barry full of so much love and affection made me swoon.

Everything Winston does make me laugh. Everything. His quiet little 'what in the world…' when Schmidt was doing laundry killed me.

I've never thought of that comparison but those are two of my all-time favourite shows and it totally makes sense. Both have strong, clever writing and use levity perfectly.