No Corvette Summer?!?!?!?
No Corvette Summer?!?!?!?
No Corvette Summer?!?!?!?
"As the purveyors of “Pretty In Pink,” Psychedelic Furs have the market cornered on ’80s teen angst. " Really?
That is the stupidest thing ever said on the Onion AV Club. I guess the Smiths cornered the market on what then?
"As the purveyors of “Pretty In Pink,” Psychedelic Furs have the market cornered on ’80s teen angst. " Really?
That is the stupidest thing ever said on the Onion AV Club. I guess the Smiths cornered the market on what then?
Yes, The Rapture and Iron Giant. I can't believe those did not make it in the "official 100" (okay, the Rapture has David "why won't you love me" Duchovney extremely stilted performance, but otherwise. MIMI ROGERS!!
Yes, The Rapture and Iron Giant. I can't believe those did not make it in the "official 100" (okay, the Rapture has David "why won't you love me" Duchovney extremely stilted performance, but otherwise. MIMI ROGERS!!