And after Todd figures out how to get it blue (without adding food coloring).
And after Todd figures out how to get it blue (without adding food coloring).
For me, that goes down as one of the best written lines on this show…along with "Tread lightly."
Believe that, (mother father)!
Well….Me so solly!
Han Solo—Elecrtic Boogaloo! (See, I just typed what everyone else was thinking)
You should really watch Breaking Bad.
He's not dead, he's pinin' for the fields.
This bra bomb better work, nerd-linger!
@disqus_XR51pPIVcW:disqus As a Plaintiff's lawyer, I wish what you think was true…because I'd be retired.
Jeremy's Iron….(I'll let myself out).
Let it go.
Milquetoast? Alan Alda FTW!
You see. There are two types of students. The jocks and the nerds.
Boy…as you scroll down the page, the posts make less and less sense.
He probably signed on because it sounded like a sassy re-imagining of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
I hate to be gross…but he looks like he's trying real hard to make a number 2.
Just ask him if he left his wallet in El Segundo….just to be sure.
If you're tired of having sex, you should just get married! (Rimshot, please?)
I've owned the DVD for 10 years, and I've never watched it past the first 3 minutes. No lie.