
FINALLY got my girlfriend into Game of Thrones last week after 5 years of convincing. She actually really enjoyed it, and we polished off the first season together this weekend. Needless to say, [S P O I L E R]she was NOT prepared for Ned Stark getting shanked[END SPOILER]. She's already jumped into season 2 I believe.

Or the true MVP in the GOT actresses category: Lena Headey

u cnt spel crap witout rap hehehehehhrhrhrhr!

…except Whedon has also directed two of the most commercially successful movies of all time. Don't think he's too broken up about people not watching Angel or Dollhouse

Generation Kill fan checking in. I…I thought I was the only one! You DO exist!

You hit the nail on the head. I never really felt like Garfield pulled off the "loser misfit nerd" that Peter was supposed to be. He was just like…a handsome, hipster skater boy with a slight swagger, which really helped sell it when he had the Spidey suit on.

Wow, I didn't know Armond White had an AV Club account.

Shaun of the Dead imo is one of the all-time great comedy movies. I liked Hot Fuzz, but didn't really enjoy The World's End. Scott Pilgrim was fun too but i didn't think it was as fantastic as the rest of the AVC.


Yeah, I get that, Game of Thrones is not really known for being gratuitous, after all

Oh you!

White people lol

Fans should consider themselves lucky that a show as gruesome and weird as Hannibal even got 3 seasons on network TV to begin with

Wow this episode was dull as hell until the shootout. I zoned out a bunch of times and just had a hard time caring about anything that's going on - which is pretty much how I'm feeling for most of this season so far. Season 1 had stretches of slow burn too, but it also had an absorbingly dark atmosphere, amazing

I'm slightly optimistic. The trailer looked pretty cool, even though I'm still not too jazzed about this incarnation of the Joker. Ledger set the bar way too damn high.

I really can't imagine anyone more perfect than Viola Davis playing Waller.

Looks interesting. I'll withhold judgment until I see it but I still feel like it'll probably be a clusterfuck. I really wish DC/WB would have the balls to go all out and make this a hard-R dark action-comedy with brutal violence and pitch black humour. That's the kind of shit the Suicide Squad was made for. These are

Holy shit I can't believe Bryan Fuller has not thought of this yet. He should just give the reins to Singh for an episode this season and have him go crazy. What's there to lose? It's not like the show is in danger of losing viewers or anything…

You'd probably just eat them.
