
I love it when someone else says exactly what I've been thinking.

I love it when someone else says exactly what I've been thinking.

Also worth mentioning that "Like Herod" has nothing to do with Herod but, instead, one of the band members (can't remember which) getting drunk and slurring the words "light headed."

Also worth mentioning that "Like Herod" has nothing to do with Herod but, instead, one of the band members (can't remember which) getting drunk and slurring the words "light headed."

See, my outlook on it is there's such a tremendous amount of music out there, using an arbitrary/silly/immature measure like appearance is totally cool, because I'll just wind up bumblefucking my way into a new favorite album within the week somehow anyway, so what difference do some "twerps" like this make in such a

I actually registered just to mention the Slime Monster, but here you beat me to it. I never, ever watched PBS as a kid, but I was staying with my grandparents for a week one summer and that station was on, and the slimey nightmare just so happened to be playing (and remains the only episode of Ghostwriter I've seen).