Carlos the Jackal

Well, now.
Been a long time, AV Club.

Unfair review
I've always been unclear why critics believe that American film can only have one surrealist filmmaker of note, David Lynch, while every other director working in that vein must be compared to Lynch or ignored outright.

My take!
I have never wanted to see an assemblage of characters die in horrible ways more than I did in this movie. Anyone else have the same observation?

Come t0 Daddy-era Aphex Twin, in that he's got the body of a little girl.

The comedy here seems usually broad for Scandinavians, who generally seem to like their humor Sahara dry.

"Curmudgeonly" or "You're Clearly an Adverb" would have been better band names.

Pi: head-drilling
Requiem: injection into necrotic tissue
Fountain: Tree of Life stabbed
Wrestler: head-stapling

I'm guessing this movie's only memorable legacy will be that it's featured prominently on the cover of DJ Shadow's "Endtroducing".

Conan's new set
Anyone else kind of baffled when Conan, in talking up the internet's take on his new set, pronounces the game as "Super Mary-o Brothers"?

Hey, how about a post about, y'know, techno?
Thanks for running this piece, AV Club. Would kill to hear Ryoji Ikeda's interpretation of "beats."

You're falling off, AV Club
Not one mention that the Das Foods Gourmet Lollipops look like condoms on a stick.

Is the screenwriter's name simply "Hammer"? I didn't click on the link because I'm wishing it to be true.

Really, if you want to make fun of Albuquerque, do it in a fake-ass Mexican accent, because this is the only place on Earth where white folks affect Hispanic accents just to get by.

Albuquerque's just a town, but between New Mexico and wherever you live, I'm willing to throw throw down about our respective "desolate wastes of space."

I live in Albuquerque…
…and they tied up traffic downtown for months on behalf of filming this, a "Gentleman's F" B- movie. Thanks a bunch, city fathers!

Hell Comes to Frogtown
"That's probably one of the worst movies ever made. I played a cop, I recall. It was me, Lou Ferrigno, Roddy Piper might have been it. It was just about the greatest collection of bad actors in Hollywood."

Seagal and Hanks do seem to look more alike with each passing year…

Red Road
I couldn't get into it. I think I'm just sick of movies that deliberately withhold key plot info as an artificial way to generate narrative tension. Though I do agree that Andrea Arnold has a keen eye for detail.

Not optimistic
Abel Ferrara's last attempt at horror was the snoozefest "The Addiction".

Uh, mbs, my statement referenced "cinematic quality."