
Albumen is the egg white. Albumin is the meat white.

FWIW, Patti's menu had lobster, not bacon. Slow down, Margaret; chew your recap.

Was this produced by Francis Xavier Cross for IBC?

My theory: the law of conservation of mass says that mass in an isolated or closed system cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, while Peter no longer exists, the matter that once made him still does. The shapeshifters are gathering these substances—starting with heavy metals—and reconstituting Peter.

I think the effect Jonas (who actually uttered the line "My name is Jonas", thereby implanting Weezer in my head for the entire ep) had on Bill is worth remembering. His power isn't driven solely by will; it's truly based in part on his anger and dissatisfaction. At the end of the episode, he still couldn't "amp up",

…put his hand on his neck and demonstrated the way of slaughter!!
There it is again, Clarence leaping and forcing the ball in a downward direction through the net off of a high arching pass.

Interesting references to the Who mythos. Question about whether 11 is the last Doctor should be referred to the Wikipedia entry for the Valeyard. Still, it's hard to see how a Doctor could wriggle out of a death-death, considering the stated implications of doubling back on one's own timeline (per 10's

Easter egg, or throwaway?
The envelope, apparently a piece of misdirected insurance advertising, pinned next to the picture of Tom Cutshaw reads:

Fire up the extreme widow's peak!
A goateed Platt is a dead-ringer for Mr. Sinister.

Yiddish slang
Harry Crane busts out "gonifs" about the studio people he's arguing with. Is he Jewish? Or that a signifier of something to come?

Loaded language
With references to the TARDIS being "hijacked" and the drill threatening the Silurian "settlement," I think it's pretty clear which societal buttons are being pushed here. I don't necessarily disapprove, mostly because it's been well-subtextualized.

I thought maybe it was a moth. Richard, trapped below decks, being broken of his addiction (to his wife and his past), before being led out into the light.

The drummer didn't end up dead, unless you're presuming that the couple cartons of cigs he ran off with will lead to lung cancer.

Maybe maybe not
Did Raylan have a gunshot wound right around where his heart is? In that brief shot of him waking up and hitting Snooze, I thought I saw a scar. Coulda just been a nipple—I didn't think to rewind back to stare at it.

The combination is 1…2….3….4….5
Was Walter's offhand comment on forgetting the meaning of their combo lock's combination all too "offhand," or a cool little nod to the date of the season finale? Is it even cool that Fringe appears to be taking place roughly in real time?

Must have missed the entry on "Across the Universe"; it's hard to navigate AV Club articles at work because of our shitty web browser and firewalls.

File under There Goes George Again
One could argue for "Across the Universe" for the Sanskrit phrase "Jai guru deva," but who cares because Harrison wrote it.

The Jetsons? Come on. Feliz Navidad and/or Mele Kalikimaka would have been eminently better choices than that nugget of obscurity.

Bavarian cream-filled nostalgia
Unless TMNT pudding pies are part of this impending wave of Turtle crap, count me out.

Blind seer joke FTW. Although watching that commercial, kinda wish *I* was a blind seer.