Hobbit Enthusiast

Fun fact! Democratic ("democratic") countries also love to use the Olympics to funnel cash into favored enterprises! See also: Salt Lake City, 2002 Winter Olympics held in; Romney, erstwhile Presidential candidate Mitt.

And had the… rest of her… in a suitcase I think? Ugh that whole thing was horrible, even by brutal-murder standards.

Sunn O))) and Ulver - Western horn
Eluveitie - The Essence Of The Ashes
Tycho - Daydream
Arcturus - The Arcturian Sign
Andrés Segovia - Ponce: Andantino Variato
Helms Alee - New West
Ludwig Van Beethoven - Piano Trio # 5 In D, Op. 70/1, "Ghost"- 3. Presto
黑鸭子 - 吉祥三宝
Howard Shore - Orthanc (Lord of the Rings OST)

Hahaha MC Hawking rules

Also, Batman '66 is really funny!

I wouldn't go that far, but I will never understand why these guys blew up while Year of the Goat languishes in obscurity.

Lauryn Hill went to jail after being famous and then ceasing to be famous.

Louis CK did 9/11

What walks on four legs when it's a child, walks on two legs when it's an adult, and posts on AV Club when it's old and bitter?

Nah he's just messing with you. It's actually an adaptation of Seveneves.

I…… I bought Silver Side Up back in 2001. On the day it came out no less. I'm sorry! "Leader of Men," off the previous record, was pretty good! And "How You Remind Me" had just come out and hadn't been so overplayed as to induce violent homicidal tendencies in everyone who heard it yet! And the girl at the counter at

The serious answer is that it's one of the four covered by "The four sounds here recorded by the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that have since been identified are all icebergs running aground," although I think that's not quite right - as I understand it they've confirmed that Bloop was a

Yeah, I mean, I understand not liking either of the last two seasons, but they're almost opposites: 5 was a lot of wheel-spinning, 6 was everything lurching into gear.

Or played Arnold Schwarzenegger's twin?!

Coltrane. The studio records are cool but even on the mediocre '50s and '60s live recordings you can tell that saxophone was a fucking weapon live.

Seriously! I get that as a middle-aged liberal columnist with a steady high-profile gig he wouldn't want to just come out and say, "Yep, love to honk it to some tig ol' anime biddies!", but really if the only explanations he could come up with were that and "You see, I was googling tentacle porn with my wife and kids.

Cream - Deserted Cities Of The Heart
Kate Bush - Mother Stands For Comfort
Death - Land Of No Return
Mutoid Man - 1000 Mile Stare
Dead To A Dying World - Beneath the Loam
Flogging Molly - Man With No Country
Shonen Knife - Neon Zebra
Nightwish - Whoever Brings The Night
Hexa - Gace
Cows - Finished Again
Griever - Black Vinyl

Same reason I got the "Birdie" logo - a timeless reference to that time a bird landed on his podium and totaly symbolized something or other! - tattooed right on my forehead. Now everyone I meet for the rest of my life will know I'm full of good ideas.

I somehow manage to constantly get that shitty band confused with both DevilDriver and Finger Eleven, who I don't think have existed for like 15 years now(?). I wish these bands that aren't quite nu metal but have nu-metal-sounding names would combine into one big group so we could ignore them more efficiently.