Hobbit Enthusiast

Reading the article, I was far more annoyed by this than I probably should have been.

Not that I'd know, but I've seen videos that seem to be made/edited/uploaded exclusively by individuals from the Philippines that have it spelled "philipina." Not that I'd know.

"It’s a critique so common, it’s entered the realm of cliché: 'Why doesn’t MTV show houses anymore?'"
Wait is this O'Neal?
*scrolls up*
It is!

For what it's worth there really isn't that much young George/Lucille. Off the top of my head I think the first episode has the most.

Exactly, trying to redo it with actors who were 7, and now 11, years older than they were, and who hadn't worked together that entire time, in all likelihood wouldn't have worked too well. Moreover, honestly, I love this show as if it were my own child, and I've rewatched the whole thing numerous times, and really by

I'm very sorry to hear that. Hope whatever's causing it passes soon!

Hot damn this is a good one! Love the double-dose of Jucifer in particular.

It's King Missile Day at the Audio Visual Club

Upvoted for Shonen Knife deep cut, re-upvoted 1000 times for King Missile deep cut.

Hiromi Uehara - Now or Never
OOIOO - Ulda
Salt Cathedral - Move Along
Kayo Dot - Symmetrical Arizona
D'Angelo & The Vanguard - Back To The Future (Part II)
Public Enemy - Security Of The First World
Boris - Kanau Part 1
Joni Mitchell - The Hissing Of Summer Lawns
Behemoth - Pazuzu
Von - Veadtuck
Kate Bush - L'Amour Looks

MUTOID MAN! So pumped. The only thing better than a song called "Melt Your Mind" is that it does. They also just released a collaboration with Chelsea Wolfe a little while ago that sounds just like a collaboration between Mutoid Man and Chelsea Wolfe should sound, i.e., it rips.

So……….. that Nickelback song up there actually isn't too bad? Refrain is pretty meh but at least it has, like, a riff. I can't remember the last radio-"rock" song that had a riff. Honestly, if all their songs sounded like this, they wouldn't be so hated, and the world would be a better place. And it's a damn sight

Also, LOL at only 80 pounds of books……… yeah I don't think I can ever move again.

Victoria was the shit. Can you still get it in the States? It started popping up in American liquor stores (and even, for a brief glorious moment, in frickin' Ralph's) around 2010 but I haven't seen it for a few years here in San Diego. Guess it never caught on with estadounidenses, which is a shame.

I was going to say, I'm surprised to see Especial as the top-5 import/more widely known product, because that seems to be the case too even in the southwestern US - I've seen Negra on restaurant menus and in grocery stores since I moved here, while Especial only seemed to appear in the last year or two (not saying the

This makes me think of the Save the Civilians! missions in XCOM from 2012, and those are fun as hell, so yeah I think it could definitely be done. Of course the risk to your squad is pretty endemic to the game mechanics there, but I could see how one could through clever level design and thoughtful enemies/enemy

*puts finger and thumb in the shape of an L on forehead*

Munn's buns!

Said like a person who thinks Copper Blue is a Husker Du album….

It's a stretch to call him a libertarian really, but to the extent that he is he is definitely of the Washington variety: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…