
Dean Norris' acting in this episode was nothing short of incredible.  That last scene… chills.

Really enjoying this season so far.  Been keeping up with the U.K. schedule, though… can't endure the two week lag here.

Really enjoying this season so far.  Been keeping up with the U.K. schedule, though… can't endure the two week lag here.

She's the new companion, that's confirmed.  The question now is: how is Moffat going to do it?  Presumably it will have to involve The Doctor meeting her before she was stranded.  Perhaps he prevents the crash landing from happening, thus making the Daleks remember him again?  Or perhaps it's a River Song-style

She's the new companion, that's confirmed.  The question now is: how is Moffat going to do it?  Presumably it will have to involve The Doctor meeting her before she was stranded.  Perhaps he prevents the crash landing from happening, thus making the Daleks remember him again?  Or perhaps it's a River Song-style

What I want to know is how long ago Moffat knew this was going to happen.  Did he plan it out from the very beginning?  I mean, "Silence Will Fall" first appeared in The Eleventh Hour, and after watching Flesh and Stone, one could pretty easily infer that a) The Doctor and River are married at some point and b) River

Ha, great catch.  Totally missed that joke.

I think Moffat put that line as a reference to the fact that Alex Kingston is the youngest in "Forest of the Dead", right before River dies.  Probably just a joke, though I wouldn't be suprised if that were true.

Is he actually 200 years older now?  I was under the impression that Time Lords' bodies still age.  Can someone confirm that?  Don't think it's ever come up in the new series.

Only a B+?

Did anyone else not see that ending coming?  I loved that the BBC didn't give it away in the previews, because I was just as surprised as Amy and Rory were.  Not like Rose/Martha/Donna's respective departures.

There is no way anyone can be worse off than Donna.  And as much as I like Amy and Rory, I really wouldn't mind a new companion or two.  It would be a shame for Eleven to only ever be with Amy, and I'd love to see Matt Smith play off of somebody else.

I loved this episode.  Definitely as good as "A Good Man" in my book - it had the same nice balance of humor and emotion.  I was grinning from ear to ear when River (Melody, whatever) regenerated, and the antibodies cracked me up for some reason.  "You will experience a tingling sensation and then death.  Please

Maybe I missed something…
But has anyone mentioned the fact that River is part time lord?? That explains why she can read Gallifreyan, and also confirms that she was the little girl that regenerated at the end of DOTM.

That's what I was confused about, I thought it might have something to do with the silence, but now I feel like we have absolutely nothing to go on. Hopefully it's addressed next episode.

Honestly, I thought this was a pretty decent episode, but that ending was just so far out of left field, I don't think it'll be remembered for much else.