Captain Vegetable

Dana Stevens is great. What, you don't like shrill feminist boilerplate delivered with your movie reviews?

Remember funny Onion stuff?
I'm not following the rules. This one doesn't describe me, but I remember it most often:

Classic. My wife is a teacher and, yes, once you are through the looking glass it's hard to look back on your school years without a sinking feeling.

But where's Billy Crystal?
Next the Academy will demand all acceptance speeches be in the form of slam poetry, prop comedy, or Wayang Kulit — the art of Indonesian shadow puppetry.
I love how everything is steadily being redesigned solely to play well on television and prevent an unseen omnipresent audience of fickle

Laura Linney's boobs.

Shame on you, Mothers
Who take the advice of their doctors. All babies — even those who are parapalegic and do not develop eyes, a brain or a liver — will become Heisman trophy winners. Who are you going to trust? Some "medical doctor" who dedicates his or her life to studying "science" and "medicine", or Dr. James

Shame on you, Mothers
Who take the advice of their doctors. All babies — even those who are parapalegic and do not develop eyes, a brain or a liver — will become Heisman trophy winners. Who are you going to trust? Some "medical doctor" who dedicates his or her life to studying "science" and "medicine", or Dr. James

I don't even like music in the porn I watch. Music while fucking would seem so lame to me. Keep your Marvin Greene and your Keith Sweat and I'll take the subtle fap, fap fapping.

I'm sorry, this may be a little uber geeky, but the historical inaccuracy of that scene in "The Name of the Rose" just annoyed the hell out of me. I'm pretty certain that grooming and dental care standards in the 15th and 16th century weren't that advanced, particularly for illiterate peasant women. She would have

No Aesop Rock mention?
Is he not on Def Jux anymore?
Rhymesayers can't support all these new artists. They need to save room for Eyedea's new album where he reads Jewel's poetry over a Yo La Tengo record.

I prefer the simpler, less anatomy-based CC song titles like "She Was Asking For It"

Non Simpsons nerds and young people don't understand that the Armen Tanzarian episode was so awful not just because of the continuity errors, but because those continuity errors altered the very fundamentals of a characters and undermined every single joke made about him. Many jokes were made about Skinner's

These mashups are mediocre
There. I said it. He mixes a bunch of vocals over the same beat and makes little attempt to integrate the music. Booo.

Oh, he's grown on me…
I used to be extremely annoyed by Paul F Tompkins because it seemed a lot of his bits were based on a complete ignorance of a particular topic. For example, his bit about the jazz musicians and their interminable solos is based on his assertions that jazz music as a genre is garbage and humor

Maybe they should be asked why they haven't released a good album since Apollo 18. Zing! You know what else is funny?